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Hideaway Park
Hideaway Park
Drainage Days Fork
Terrain Trees and Glades
Location 40.6038° / -111.6331°
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Hideaway Park is in upper Days Fork. It starts about 700 feet down the ridge that separates Silver Fork from Days Fork. There are a half-dozen or so narrow lines through the trees. The steepness and tree density will vary based on your line.

The run itself is short (about 350 vertical feet) but the sheltered, north-facing snow can be superb. It is convenient to ski West Bowl and then skin back up to the top of Hideaway and ski it.

Days Fork Overview

Getting to Hideaway Park

Ascend to the top of Binx's Ridge from the Bay City Tunnel trailhead. This will put you a little left of the top of Jaws. Head east along the ridge about 500 feet until you reach the ridge that separates Silver Fork from Days Fork. Take off your skins and ski ~700 feet down that ridge. Find a line between the trees (on your left) and ski it into Days Fork.

About the name

Some people call Hideaway Park, "Keyhole" (not to be confused with the run named Keyhole in Cardiff Fork), but the name Hideaway Park has been around for a long time.