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Will's Hill
Will's Hill
Drainage Willow Fork
Terrain Open Glades
Summit Elevation 9,900'
Flats Elevation 9,000'
Typical Vertical 900'
Location 40.6392° / -111.5808°
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Will's Hill is the slope that is on your left as you're skinning up the ridge toward Peak 10009 (see an overview of Willow Fork). The skiing directly off of Peak 10009 is usually wind-scoured and rocky, so it's more practical to start skiing Will's Hill a hundred feet or so below the summit.

There's a bulge midway down Will's that is significantly steeper than the 30° shown in this info table, although most of the run is less than 30°. It's safest to hang left just before it steepens. If you do choose to ski the steeper section, you will need to wrap around the toe of the ridge which will entail about 10 minutes of poling as you contour around to the exit route.

Getting to Will's Hill

Will's Hill from Solitude Entry #1
Trailhead Solitude Entry #1
Ascent Elevation 2,000'
Skinning Distance 2.0 miles

Follow these instructions to get to the Willow Fork drainage. Continue into the evergreens that are mentioned at the "split" in those instructions.

Once you are in Willow Fork, follow the ridge to the top of Peak 10009. It takes about an hour to go from Solitude to Peak 10009.