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Maxfield Basin
Maxfield Basin
Terrain Glades, Treed, Gullies
Upper Elevation 9,303'
Trailhead Elevation 7,000'
Typical Vertical 2,300'
Location 40.6510° / -111.6962°
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Maxfield Basin is the rarely skied basin that branches westward from lower Mill A Gulch. The lower two-thirds of the Basin is a long, terrain-trap gully. The Basin continues up to Peak 9303.The runs off the south ridge into the Basin are avalanche prone yet good.

It's a fairly long hike for the skiing (about three hours to Peak 9303), the roly-poly gully can be cumbersome, and parking might not be allowed at the mouth of Mill A Gulch during the winter (it wasn't when I skied it a few years ago, but in 2016 it looks like the "No Parking" sign has been removed). If parking isn't allowed, you can park at the Argenta trailhead and walk 0.4 mile down the road to Mill A.

The Rock House, West Maxfield, and Maxfield avalanche paths all descend from the south rim of Maxfield Basin to the Big Cottonwood road.

Maxfield Basin and Mill A Gulch

Getting to Maxfield Basin

Head up Mill A about a third of a mile and then bear left up the Maxfield Basin drainage.

About the name

John Maxfield built a mill near the site of Mill A after it was destroyed by an avalanche in 1856. Presumably, Maxfield Basin was named after John. "In 1985, a snow slide swept the mill to the bottom of the fork."