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Tips & Tails
Tips & Tails
Drainage Twin Lakes Area
Terrain Steep Chute
Location 40.5866° / -111.6079°
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Tips & Tails is narrow and steep. Depending on the snowpack, it averages between 45° and 50°. Although not nearly as narrow as its name implies, it is much narrower and steeper than its neighbors The Huge Chute, Bombay, and The Granny Chute.

Getting to Tips & Tails

Follow the directions to the top of Patsey Marley from the Grizzly Gulch trailhead. Then head along the rim of the cirque toward Mount Wolverine while being wary of cornices. You will pass a small, steep unnamed chute and the wide Huge Chute (which is often topped with a huge cornice). The narrow Tips & Tales is the next chute.