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Bronco Couloir
Bronco Couloir
Drainage Twin Lakes Area
Terrain Steep Chute
Location 40.5854° / -111.6048°
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Bronco Couloir is one of the steeper chutes in the Wolverine Cirque, but it has a good fall-line and (usually) one of the easier entrances.

The first 100 feet (or so) are 40°. The slope then increases to a consistent 45° at a spire-like dead tree on the skier's right side. Depending on the snowpack, the narrowest point is a choke about two-thirds of the way down.

Bronco Couloir
A Different Angle

Getting to Bronco Couloir

Happily Entering
the Bronco

Follow the directions to the top of Patsey Marley from the Grizzly Gulch trailhead. Then continue along the rim of the cirque while being wary of cornices. Bronco's unmistakable entrance is at a clump of about four trees just before the cirque climbs to the summit of Mount Wolverine. From the entrance you will be able to see a spire-like dead tree on the skier's right side (which you can see in this photo).