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Maybird Gulch
Maybird Gulch
Location 40.5573° / -111.7050°
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Maybird Gulch is on the south side of Little Cottonwood Canyon. It is west of Red Pine Fork and east of Hogam Fork. The ridge between Maybird Gulch and Hogam Fork is named Hogam Hogback. The Pfeifferhorn is at the upper end of the Hogam Hogback. Named runs in Maybird include The Church and the Maybird Aprons.

Red Pine Fork and Maybird Gulch

Getting to Maybird Gulch

Follow the directions to Red Pine Fork from the White Pine trailhead. As explained in those directions, after about an hour you'll see the Red Pine Bridge (sometimes called the Maybird Bridge). Cross the bridge and climb southwesterly to the ridge between Red Pine Fork and Maybird Gulch. The ridge between these two drainages is much "softer" at this point. You will be at the top of the Red Pine Trees and The Church.

From the ridge you'll have a spectacular view of the Pfeifferhorn. And if you look carefully at the ridgeline on the west side of Maybird, you may see a monument-like rock sticking up–The Obelisk.