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Short Swing
Short Swing
Drainage Mill D North Fork
Ascent Vertical 1,900'
Skiing Vertical 1,500'
Terrain Aspens and Pines
Location 40.6507° / -111.6263°
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Short Swing's proximity to the road makes it a very popular place—you can ski car-to-car in about two hours.

You can ski through the trees on either side of the Short Swing up track. The runs on the skier's right tend to be a little steeper than the runs that are skier's left. Be very wary of the steep avalanche terrain that is north of Peak 9269.

You can also ski east from the top of Short Swing (i.e., Peak 9269) into Beartrap Fork as explained on the page about The Cone, or you can traverse north from Peak 9269 to go to Powder Park 3, although to do this you'll need to de-skin and re-skin.

Getting to Short Swing

Short Swing from Spruces Trailhead
Trailhead Spruces Trailhead
Climbing Ascent 1,900'
Skiing Descent 1,400'
Skinning Distance 1.7 miles
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Follow the directions to Mill D North Fork from the Spruces trailhead. Approximately 5 minutes after passing the gate near the end of the cabin road, a skin track leaves the main Mill D North trail on the right. This track starts just past a clump of fir trees when the trail turns gently to the right. The track then climbs a subtle ridge through aspens to Peak 9269. The top of Short Swing is just below the summit of Peak 9269.

This skin track is usually set steeply, but it only takes about an hour-and-a-half to climb the 1,900 feet from your car to the top of Short Swing.

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